Do you have a habit of chewing on ice? It turns out that what seems like a totally harmless thing is actually quite harmful for your teeth. read more
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Oftentimes, bad breath is the result of poor oral hygiene or something that you ate. Even being under an ultra-stressful situation can cause it! And we all know what morning breath is like.
Bad breath happens to everyone, and there are several causes behind it. But did you know that unpleasant breath might be a sign that there’s a more serious underlying health issue to blame? It’s true!
Having an understanding of the reasons for bad breath that are cause for alarm is one step that you can take towards maintaining your health. So keep reading to learn about some of the main bad breath causes that may indicate something serious is going on.
When Bad Breath Is More Than Just Stinky
Your bad breath might be a signal that something is wrong elsewhere in your body. And your doctor might be able to test your breath for the levels of specific gases that can help pinpoint what’s amiss.
If your breath has high levels of acetone, diabetes might be to blame.
If your breath is high in nitric oxide, you might have asthma.
Too much ammonia in the breath might indicate renal failure.
If your breath has a lot of methylamine, you might be suffering from kidney disease or liver disease.
A mix of gases in your breath might even alert your doctor to throat cancer.
Who knew your breath could tell doctors so much?!
Bad Breath and Gut Problems
Bad breath that you can’t seem to get rid of might indicate that the problem really starts in your gut.
Did you know that bad breath might be a sign that you have a stomach ulcer? There will likely be other symptoms, though, such as pain in your stomach, heartburn, and difficulty eating.
If you have a bowel disorder, acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or poor digestion, you might end up with bad breath too.
Even constipation may lead to unpleasant breath. So be sure to eat plenty of fiber to stay regular!
Bad Breath, Gum Disease, and Heart Disease
What goes on in your mouth might cause bad breath, but it can also cause damage in other parts of your body as well. That’s why it’s important to take it seriously when you have persistent halitosis.
Many people don’t know this, but the bad breath that comes from gum disease might be a sign that you also need to check your heart health.
If you’ve been diagnosed with gum disease, it’s important to realize that treatment is necessary, as allowing it to progress might put your ticker at risk.
Basically, inflammation and bacteria associated with gum disease might increase the risk of cardiovascular problems. So, seeing your dentist for treatments to get rid of the gum disease may help you achieve fresher breath and a stronger heart.
What Does Your Breath Smell Like?
Smelling your breath might help you narrow down what’s causing it to occur despite your best efforts at keeping your mouth clean.
Fruity odor = diabetes
Fishy odor = kidney disease
Fecal odor = bowel obstruction
Sour milk odor = lactose intolerance
Rotting odor = lung disease
These aren’t to say you have these conditions, please consult a doctor.
If you’re experiencing other symptoms, in addition to halitosis, it’s certainly worth getting a checkup. Just keep in mind that, to diagnose these conditions, your doctor will need to evaluate more than just your breath.
Other Health Problems That Are Also Bad Breath Causes
We’re not done just yet. There are several other conditions that may lead to bad breath. They include:
Infections in the mouth
Sinus problems, such as postnasal drip
Tonsil infections
Respiratory infections
Blood disorders
Metabolic disorders
Talk to Your Dentist About Chronic Bad Breath
Are you suffering from bad breath and you just can’t figure out how to freshen it up? Consider making an appointment with your dentist to get a cleaning and discuss your oral hygiene routine. That way, you can determine if you’re doing enough at home to keep your mouth as bacteria-free as possible. Plus, your dentist will also be able to evaluate your entire mouth to see if the halitosis is coming from something like gum disease or an infected tooth, as a couple of examples.
If, after seeing your dentist and getting the all-clear, you’re still combating nasty breath, it might be time to see your doctor to discuss what’s been going on, as there may be something in another part of your body that’s causing the off-putting odor. With the right treatment plan, you’ll be able to get your health back on track, and you won’t have to be embarrassed by bad breath anymore.
Wisdom teeth, the last ones to grow in when you’re an adult, are notorious for causing problems. Many people end up with impacted wisdom teeth that require treatment or removal to avoid oral health complications.
How can you know if you have one or more impacted wisdom teeth? Check out this list of some of the main symptoms to learn more about the issues that these teeth might cause.
Different Types of Impactions
First off, it’s important to cover the fact that there are different types of wisdom tooth impactions , and the type of impaction that you have may affect the symptoms that you experience.
If a wisdom tooth is lying completely on its side, at a 90° angle, it’s called a horizontal impaction.
If a wisdom tooth is facing the front of your mouth or angled forward, it’s called a mesioangular impaction.
If a wisdom tooth is facing the back of your mouth or angled away from the rest of your teeth, it’s called a distoangular impaction.
If a wisdom tooth hasn’t erupted completely through the gums, despite being on the correct angle, it’s called a vertical impaction.
Note: A big problem with wisdom teeth is that they can be harder to keep clean, especially when they are impacted. They’re way in the back of your mouth after all! So, if you aren’t really diligent about your oral hygiene routine and dental checkups, those teeth might be at a greater risk of decay and gum disease .
What Are the Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
An impacted wisdom tooth could cause a host of problems. For example, it might end up damaging nearby teeth, or it might become infected.
If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, let your dentist know, as they might indicate that you have an impacted tooth:
Gums that are red, tender, bleeding, or swollen
Swelling, tenderness, stiffness, or pain in the jaw
Jaw ache or headache
Pain or difficulty when opening the mouth
Unpleasant taste in the mouth, particularly when eating
Bad breath
Swollen lymph nodes within your neck
Or, you might not experience any symptoms! That’s why it’s wise to see your dentist on a regular basis. The x-rays that are taken during checkups will help your dentist get a good look at your wisdom teeth. And an oral examination can also alert him or her to any other indications that your wisdom teeth are doing more harm than good.
The Severity of the Symptoms Might Serve as a Clue
If there is pain, swelling, or an infection that’s being caused by an impacted wisdom tooth, it is likely going to be pretty intense. For example, you might experience throbbing pain that radiates from the back of your mouth in the area of an impacted wisdom tooth. And the pain might become increasingly more severe as other teeth become affected. Ouch!
Note: In more serious, and rare, cases, a cyst or a (usually benign) tumor might form around an impacted wisdom tooth. These can cause damage to other teeth, as well as the jaw and nerves. Scary for sure!
Don’t Hesitate to See Your Dentist
Just remember, seeing your dentist regularly is important, not only for keeping your gums strong and your teeth cavity-free but also for getting x-rays to keep an eye on your wisdom teeth. Plus, your dentist might figure out that something is wrong before you even start having symptoms!
Getting the problem of impacted wisdom teeth treated sooner rather than later is the way to go, as doing so may help reduce the risk of other problems developing. We know it can be stressful to think that you might need to have a wisdom tooth extracted. But it will be worth it if it means you eliminate unpleasant symptoms and the complications that would occur if the tooth were left alone to get worse.
Let’s say your dentist has diagnosed you with gingivitis. Uh-oh! What do you do now? Well, the good news is that this condition is treatable and reversible, so there are some steps that you can take to get your gum health back on track and prevent further damage.What Causes Gingivitis in the First Place?Gingivitis is a form of gum disease , so it sounds scary, no doubt about it. Luckily, though, this is the mild and early stage of gum disease. Remember, it is reversible, so all hope is not lost! However, it is imperative that you tackle this problem now before it progresses and starts to put your teeth at risk.When it comes to what causes gingivitis, it all boils down to one thing: plaque. It’s that simple. The nasty, sticky film that ends up on your teeth after eating and drinking will harbor nasty bacteria, as well as create toxins.As plaque sits on your teeth and along your gum line, your poor gums will become irritated, red, tender, and swollen, especially as it hardens into tartar. Before long, your gums will even bleed surprisingly easily, such as when you brush and floss.You probably already guessed that attacking plaque and getting rid of it is the key to eliminating, as well as preventing, gingivitis, but catching it in its earliest stages is the best way to make the process easier. That’s why seeing your dentist regularly can come in extremely handy.Other Factors That Might Contribute to GingivitisHere are a few of the risk factors that might put you at a greater risk of developing gum ailments:Dry mouth Smoking and chewing tobaccoCertain medicationsGeneticsHormonal changesCertain medical conditions, such as those that impact your immune system, as well as fungal infections and viral infectionsPoorly fitting dental restorations Misaligned teethYour Dentist Will Get You on the Road to Healthy GumsHaving gingivitis is a bummer. Thankfully, it can be treated relatively easily. Your dentist might start by recommending a professional cleaning.A dental hygienist can work on removing all of the plaque that has accumulated on your teeth, and that you wouldn’t be able to get rid of on your own. And the hygienist can also use scaling to remove tartar from the teeth and gums, as well as root planing to further help with healing the gums.Pro tip: Get yourself one of the affordable Spirit Dental plans available, as they cover not one, not two, but three professional cleanings per year. Score!You Can Do Things at Home Too!If you have been diagnosed with gingivitis, your dentist might tell you that you need to step up your oral hygiene routine at home.Here are some of the things that your dentist will likely recommend that you do, broken down into a simple three-step process:Improve your brushing routine by brushing twice a day, for a total of two minutes each time. Brush your teeth thoroughly, but also make sure you get that gum line nice and clean too. Don’t be too rough, and use a soft-bristled toothbrush so that you avoid irritating the gums. You might even consider using an electric toothbrush that comes with a built-in timer and a brush head that is designed to help clean along the gum line.Flossing between your teeth, all the way to the gum line is another smart way to alleviate gingivitis. Because you’ll be able to effectively remove all of those food particles that feed plaque, flossing is definitely an important stepFinally, you can also try an antibacterial mouthwash that will attack bacteria. Swishing it around your mouth for a bit can help you target areas of your mouth that are hard to reach with a brush and floss.Be consistent in your efforts. Although a professional cleaning is the foundation that gets you started on the road towards clean, strong gums, the rest is up to you. By following a strict oral hygiene routine at home after a cleaning, your gums should be able to heal, often after just a few days or weeks.A Quick Final Note: Even What You Eat Might Have an Impact!Watching what you eat might help you keep your chompers and gums healthy. For example, incorporating more fruits and veggies, while eliminating high-sugar foods and beverages from your diet, are a couple of ways that you can do good things every day for your mouth. A balanced diet will provide your body with important nutrients, like calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C, which support teeth and gums.Keep an Eye on Your Oral Health by Seeing Your DentistThe simple act of seeing your dentist regularly throughout the year is a wise way to prevent, as well as treat, gingivitis. Your dentist will be able to carefully examine your mouth and look for the earliest hints that gum issues are developing. Then, he or she will be able to give you advice on what you should do next, whether you need to change the way you do things at home, or you need a good professional cleaning to set you on the right track first. On the other hand, if you avoid seeing your dentist and getting your cleanings when you should, you run the risk of developing gingivitis and not realizing until it’s already quite advanced.Gingivitis is something that you should take seriously, as it could lead to serious dental problems in the long run. But if you’re diligent about your oral care routine and you catch it in time, there are methods that you can use to help your gums heal, so it isn’t all bad news after all. Sources:
Sometimes, it’s that combo of sour and sweet that we all crave. And what better place to get it than some yummy sour candy? Unfortunately, though, while you might delight in this treat, it could be wreaking havoc on your teeth.
That’s right: in terms of what foods are good for your teeth and which ones aren’t, sour candy falls into the “bad for your pearly whites” category. But why are these candies so damaging? We’ve got you covered with the answer below.
Your Enamel Hates Sour Candy’s Acidity
Enamel. It’s so important to take great care of it because it’s the tough outer layer of your chompers.
With enamel intact, your teeth may be less prone to decay, and they might also be less prone to sensitivity. Plus, your enamel can help keep your teeth looking white and bright. Put simply, if your enamel is strong, your teeth will also be strong.
The harsh truth, however, is that a lot of foods and beverages that you enjoy every day (like those sour candies you don’t think twice about when you need a little pick-me-up) contain acids that could attack your precious enamel, causing it to become softer and thinner than it should be.
Over time, your teeth might start to feel more sensitive to hot and cold, they might start to look yellow, and they might develop cavities. You may even find yourself considering getting veneers to restore the look of your teeth!
Fun fact - Want to know the pH of sour candy, to really put things in perspective? Well, it depends on the specific candy, of course, but it generally ranges from around 1.6 to 3 (that’s on a scale of 1 being the most acidic, to 7 being neutral). And here’s another interesting tidbit: a pH of 4 would damage your enamel, so you can see just how bad those sour candies really are!
Candy Is Bad Enough, but Sour Candies Could Really Do Damage
Okay, so you already know that candy is bad for your teeth, right? In fact, all types of candy, including hard, sticky, and sour, are considered some of the worst for your pearly whites. This is a real bummer if you consider yourself a candy lover, but it’s important to know the facts so that you can protect your teeth.
Here’s why eating too much candy is a big no-no when it comes to maintaining oral health:
Candy contains a lot of sugar. Harmful bacteria in your mouth feed on that sugar, resulting in damaging acid that attacks the enamel of your teeth. And, again, when the enamel is compromised, it increases your risk of decay, sensitivity, and stains. Not good.
Sour candy has more acid. These candies might contain acids like malic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, and fumaric acid. All of that acid ends up eating away at your enamel, so the more sour candy you eat, the worse the effects might be.
Sticky candies will remain on your teeth longer. When you chew on sticky candy, whether it’s sour or sweet, it could end up staying on your chompers for a longer stretch of time. A recipe for dental damage, for sure!
Scary fact - Once your enamel is gone, there’s no way for your body to regrow it. So the best thing that you can do is take steps to prevent losing your enamel in the first place.
Smart Ways to Help Limit the Damage
Can’t give up sour candy? No worries! There are some easy ways to help reduce the damage to your enamel.
Rinse your mouth with water after having sour candies.
Choosing the right candy flavors might be beneficial, as certain sour flavors might be harsher on enamel than others. If cherry, grape, and lemon are your favorites, it may be better to switch to flavors like mint and cinnamon, as they might contain less acid.
Even though you might assume that brushing your teeth would be a good way to protect them from the sour candy you just ate, you actually shouldn’t do it right away because your enamel will be compromised. Just wait a minimum of 30 minutes before brushing.
See your dentist on a regular basis to check for early signs of decay, to learn about how to protect your enamel, and to get cleanings or whitening treatments to restore the brightness of your teeth.
Think Twice Before Having Those Sour Candies!
A piece of sour candy every now and then should be fine—everything in moderation, after all. But now that you know about the harmful effects that this treat can have on your teeth, you can make smarter choices that could protect your pearly whites for the long run.
The fancy name for teeth grinding and clenching is bruxism. When you’re feeling particularly stressed or frazzled, you might find yourself tightening your jaw and clenching your teeth, and this might not cause any damage at first. However, if you are one of the many people who grind regularly, such as in your sleep when you aren’t even aware that it’s happening, you might end up with scary problems like loose, worn, or fractured teeth, along with jaw problems like temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD or TMJ).
Since this is something that may occur during sleep, how do you know if you’re a teeth grinder? Well, being aware of grinding teeth symptoms is your first step, so we cover a few of the main signs of teeth grinding below. But, in addition to being more informed about the symptoms, seeing your dentist regularly is also helpful, as he or she can examine your mouth for early signs that you’re grinding or clenching your teeth too much.
Grinding Teeth Symptoms That Occur in the Mouth
Unfortunately, teeth grinding can cause some major problems within the mouth.
You might notice that your teeth feel more sensitive than usual, or you might even feel pain in your chompers.
The enamel of your teeth might end up getting worn down, and this can cause the inner layers of the teeth to become exposed. Not a good thing!
The development of stress fractures, as well as what is referred to as craze lines (these are hairline cracks that occur vertically in the teeth), may indicate that you’re clenching or grinding.
Over time, because of excessive grinding, you might end up looking in the mirror and noticing that your pearly whites look flattened, or they might be chipped. As the damage continues, you might even end up losing your teeth as a result of the grinding!
On top of hurting your natural teeth, grinding may also cause damage to dental work, such as fillings.
If you are unconsciously grabbing the inside of your cheeks with your teeth while you’re sleeping, and you’re clenching or grinding, you might start to notice damage in the cheek, too.
Interesting fact: Although you may not even be aware that you’re grinding your teeth at night, your partner might be able to hear it and tell you about it. Whoa!
Grinding Teeth Symptoms That Go Beyond Your Mouth
As if the damage to your mouth wasn’t bad enough, when you grind or clench your teeth excessively, symptoms outside of the mouth might arise as well.
First off, you might notice that you have a headache that can be described as dull. You might feel it when you wake up, and it might start in your temples.
Your jaw might feel tender, stiff, or sore. This might be the case especially when you wake up in the morning because you’ve been holding so much tension in the jaw throughout the night.
On top of that, you may notice that the muscles of your jaw feel tight. The muscles might even feel tired, or your jaw might make a clicking or popping sound when you open and close it. Plus, the muscles may become so tight that the jaw becomes locked, making it difficult to open and close it comfortably and completely. Simple things like chewing, talking, and even swallowing, could become painful.
Over time, the jaw might become misaligned, creating even more problems that would require professional treatment.
Bruxism problems extend beyond the jaw, too. A feeling of soreness, or outright pain, might occur in the face and/or neck. And, you might even begin to feel as though you have pain in your ears. Some people end up mistaking this pain for an earache even though nothing is wrong with the ear itself.
Finally, if you’re noticing that you aren’t getting a good night’s sleep anymore and you can’t quite figure out why, it might have something to do with teeth grinding or clenching.
Have Symptoms? Your Dentist Can Help You Get Relief!
The bad news is that, without treatment, your teeth grinding symptoms could worsen and start to cause serious damage. The good news, however, is that your dentist can help you get relief. For example, he or she might recommend a mouthguard that you can wear at night to protect your pearly whites. And your dentist can also help resolve any existing dental problems, such as tooth fractures or damaged fillings.
The sooner you get treatment for teeth grinding, the better, and having dental insurance can help ensure you won’t ever have to skip an appointment. Then, once you’re no longer grinding your chompers, you’ll likely notice that symptoms like headaches and pain in the face subside. So, if you think you might be grinding your teeth, or if you already know that this is a problem for you, it’s wise to check in with your dentist for some expert guidance.
Retainers are great because they help you retain your beautiful new smile after you’ve used braces. However, they can get pretty funky from sitting in your mouth for extended periods of time, so keeping them clean is imperative.What are some of the easiest ways to ensure your retainer will always be as clean as possible? We’ve compiled a list of tips below to help you get started, but if you have any questions about the very best methods for keeping these dental products bacteria-free, consulting with your dentist or orthodontist is recommended.First Off, What Type Are You Using?To effectively keep your retainer free of plaque, tartar, and bacteria, you need to clean it based on the type of retainer that you’ve been given.Hawley: This removable retainer, which is molded especially for your unique mouth, is used after your pearly whites have been straightened with the help of orthodontics. Made of metal and plastic, you do need to be careful with it, as it could be damaged by impact or heat.To wash it daily, don’t rinse it using hot water. Instead, use a soft-bristled toothbrush, making sure to be gentle as you work on removing food particles. Regular toothpaste isn’t recommended, as it’s too abrasive, so just use the brushing action and lukewarm water.Beyond that, you can soak it on a regular basis in a denture cleaner. And, after you disinfect it, you should store it in a case to protect it until you need to wear it again.Essix: This retainer, or clear aligner, is constructed of plastic that’s transparent, so it won’t be as obvious in your mouth while it covers your chompers. Like a Hawley, an Essix is removable, it’s molded so that it’ll perfectly fit your mouth, and it might be necessary after you’ve undergone orthodontic treatment so that you can maintain your straight smile.Only need to wear your Essix during the night? Then simply rinse it thoroughly with some cold water prior to putting it into your mouth. Then, when you take it out the next morning, just rinse it the same way again.However, if you do wear it while you eat, you should gently brush it with a soft-bristled toothbrush and lukewarm water after every meal (don’t use toothpaste, and don’t use hot water). That’ll help ensure it doesn’t sit in your mouth with food particles stuck to it, which would be yucky. And, on a regular basis, you can even use a special cleanser to deeply disinfect this retainer.Side note: Whether you have a Hawley or Essix, washing it right after you take it out of your mouth can be easier because it will still be wet from your saliva, so the debris won’t have a chance to harden. When brushing these retainers, you can also get a deeper clean by mixing together some mild dish soap and lukewarm water. Fixed: Also known as a bonded retainer, a fixed retainer will sit permanently in your mouth, so it won’t be removable. It’s typically used when the risk is high that your teeth will end up shifting, and it might need to be in your mouth for years.To keep it hygienic, daily flossing will be necessary. You can get a floss threader to make the process easier, and it’s a great idea to ask your orthodontist for expert advice on how to do it right. It might take some getting used to, but once you get the hang of things, you’ll be able to keep this retainer super clean.Some Other Things to RememberRetainers don’t like heat, so don’t expose yours to boiling water, a dishwasher, or a microwave, as a few examples. Sure, you can cleanse and disinfect other common items with heat and hot water, but your retainer isn’t one of them. Lukewarm water is best.Soak your retainer in some mouthwash to help remove bacteria and freshen it up. Mix equal parts lukewarm water with alcohol-free mouthwash for a quick soak that lasts a few minutes.A basic brushing routine might be all that you need to keep your retainer nice and clean. So if you want to avoid the use of chemical based solutions, you certainly might be able to. Just be diligent when it comes to brushing and flossing your teeth, as well as rinsing and brushing your retainer daily. However, if you’ve been sick, such as with strep throat, you might want to use a special cleaner to kill the bacteria so you could help reduce the odds of reinfecting yourselfUse warm water and soap to wash your retainer’s case and remove any bacteria that might be lingering there as well. Dry thoroughly before using it again.Note: If you start noticing things like cloudiness, white spots, or a film on your retainer, or if it has a nasty taste or smell, these are signs that you need to perform a more intense cleaning. Fresh Mouth, Spotless Retainer, and Straight Teeth!Your retainer will help you achieve the perfect smile that you want, so take good care of it! Wash it every time you brush your teeth, and give it a deeper cleaning regularly, such as weekly.For additional guidance, have a chat with your orthodontist about how to keep your retainer spotless. You can even ask about natural solutions, such as baking soda and white vinegar, that would be appropriate for your type of retainer. Also, if there’s debris on it that you can’t seem to remove on your own, it’s time to take it to your orthodontist, who has special solutions on hand.With the right technique, tools, and routine, you can rest assured that your retainer will always be sanitary and won’t contribute to the development of oral health problems like cavities or gum disease. And with the right orthodontic dental insurance, your orthodontics treatments won’t break the bank, so be sure to check out some of the Spirit plans that are available today!Sources: